This article wants to address the following questions:
We see our role in supporting you, with your idea, so that your travel niche becomes a success, that we achieve together as a team. So, it's ideal for us, that the knowledge and the technology, that we have is compatible with your idea.
Our software (both front- and backend) is optimized for multi day & multi destination trips. So if you plan to offer services that go to various places, our software will be compatible, and we quickly can launch the new brand. If your proposed travel niche is to offer yoga classes in a finca in southern Spain, then our software and knowledge is not much of help.
We are also building an infrastructure for platforms. So far is our only niche platform. We plan to launch more of these specialized platforms in the future. So if your idea is a platform, please apply!
Most of our existing brands are destination niches. As of today (January 2021) we cover the following destinations: South America (viventura), Central America (puraventura), Japan (japaventura), Iran (persiaventura), China (chinaventura), Greece (grekaventura). There are many other destinations, where we think that opening a new brand may be a good idea. Here are some examples (you can also apply for other destinations though!):
Do you have a passion for a certain way of traveling? Then this might be the niche you should propose. One existing brand is Allura Blue for the travel type Luxury Travel. Some possible ideas:
You want to offer trips specifically tailored for a certain audience & interest groups? Our first brand in this is MiAventura (trips for solo travelers between 30 and 45). Examples of this niche type include:
Most of our present brands are destination niches, but we started our first platform niche in 2017:, followed by and Other possible niches include:
You can also be creative and propose new travel niches. For example, it would be possible to launch a brand that addresses selling trips through travel agencies. Another idea we would like to share with you:, a website limited to eleven, well-researched trips with limited availability. So, we are open to other suggestions, as long as we believe we can help you succeed with your idea.
Even before we had our first clients traveling with us, we already helped local projects, as we believe that tourism needs to be a business, where all stakeholders win. So far, we have one foundation which is focused on CBT Tourism. We are also open for other foundation ideas, that we can sponsor and support.